Saturday, April 26, 2014

Board Meeting Minutes 4/16/2014

Board Meeting Minutes

The board met on April 16, 2014 at the Coffee House.  All board members were in attendance.  Selected officers of the board:
v  President: Chris Hughes
v  Vice President: Zackary Murray
v  Treasurer: Stefani Diglio
v  Minutes Secretary: Carol Hollis
v  Secretary of Blog/E-Mail: Laura Hightower

Agenda Covered:

1.      Stucco Emergency for units 800 & 802.  Heavy rains have produced massive damage and must be attended to immediately.  A company has been contacted to do the work and this will be a “test” to see if we go further with this company.  Estimated repairs for one building is $32,000.
2.      Pool pipes have been replaced.  New valves added and new cut off faucets installed, as well as a new chlorinator.  The drain behind 600 has been cleaned out and functioning.  There are still drains in needs of cleaning but no estimate yet.  Fulton County Board of Health has not sent out the application for the pool certificate yet.
3.      Access Management contract is being reviewed.
4.      Delinquencies of HOA fees and further action discussed.
5.      Board voted to keep rentals at a 20% cap (6 units), which we are currently at.  Therefore, no additional units may be rented.

6.      Gutter cleaning was discussed and the members voted for QCare to do the work.  This is just for cleaning.  Other work will be decided at a later date.
7.   The discussion for applying for a loan by Roswell Landings is under review.  We are requesting documents from Access Management on our financial status.
      8.   Next Board Meeting is May 6th at 6pm. Agenda needs to be finalized.

           Meeting adjourned.

Very Important: Please come to the next HOA Meeting on May 24th, 2014 1-3PM at the Roswell Library.  We need a vote on the possible loan for repairs.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Board Meeting Minutes-3/12/2014

"I call this meeting to order"

The following are the minutes from our board meeting held March 12, 2014. Two very important issues raised at the meeting were number 9 and number 14. Number 9 raises the possibility of the Association taking out a loan to complete stucco work on the buildings and other upkeep/improvements. Any homeowner's input on this matter is valued so please share your opinions with us. You can always e-mail us at, or even better, join us for our Homeowner's meeting on May 24th from 1pm - 3pm at the Roswell Public Library.

Board Meeting attended by Chris, Zack, Stefani and Carol.  Laura absent.

Chris brought meeting to order.

  1. Roofing issues.  Most seem to be taken care of.  Dr. Roof is doing good job.  Invoice for Unit 802 given to Chris.  He will pass it on to Bob Leftwich for payment. Unit 200 has more work to be done but it has been scheduled for later..  Stefani had some question as to her roofing invoice and non- payment.  Also, 602 has new leak.  Stefani will schedule with Dr. Roof.  Will use Dr. Roof for all our roof problems going foward.

  1. All Board members can have access to the condos' records, i.e., Balance sheets, name and addresses of all, anything pertaining to Roswell Landings.  Chris will notify Bob and let him know to give us each a code to access the info on the website.

  1.  Unit 402 is for sale at $125,000.  Realtor called to ask Chris information relating to our assessment fees and rental numbers. He informed the Realtor that the rental number was at its peak.

  1.  Carol reported on the problem with the main water valve issue.  Of all the 4 plumbing companies contacted only one bothered to give any concrete interest in the work;  Roto-Rooter.  Their estimate is about $7,500.  The city of Roswell will have to be involved to cut off main water source, which will affect the entire block.  Carol will coordinate all for the repair work to be done in the next few weeks.

  1. Unit 700 has window sill rot.  He contacted Chris for help.  The discussion led to the By-laws.  Home owners are responsible for window and door repairs, including window sill and door frames.  Chris will notify Greg.

  1. Problems arising because of the need for gutters to be cleaned out.  Carol will do research for the work.  Also, will check with the lawn service company to see if that is in their realm of expertise.

  1.  Question on the recycling....what exactly is to go in the bin?  Carol will check with City of Roswell.

  1. Carol has asked permission to deliver a "general info" letter to all residents including, clean up after pets, where ashes are to go, parking spaces-2 per unit.  Just general knowledge.  Some renters may not know what the home owners have read in the bylaws and rules and regulations.  Will also have Heather and Laura post it on the bulletin board

  1.  The idea of getting another loan was brought up for discussion.  So much major work needs doing on the buildings.  All will think on it.

  1.  It was suggested that Laura be our "blogger".  Carol will talk with her about it and let her know about our meeting.

  1.  Stefani has agreed to do Stucco research and get estimates for future work.  Several building are in really bad shape.

  1.  Chris gave the lawn service contract to Carol for her review. She will be checking on the workers when on the property.

  1.  Pool care company....SunFunPoolCare, sending info to Carol.  She and Tommy Neal speak to the pool "guy" routinely. Tommy will help keep an eye on the pool this summer again. 

  1.  Another Homeowners meeting planned for May 24th. 1-3 at the Roswell Library.  Zack will contact Bob on getting the notifications out. Hopefully, there will be a quorum.

  1. Our next meeting for the Board will be April 16th at the Coffee Shop unless otherwise decided.  

Meeting adjourned by Chris.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Oops...Newsletter Correction

I would like to issue a correction to our April newsletter. One of our board member's last names was accidentally misspelled. Carol's last name is Hollis NOT Harris. I would like to apologize to Carol personally as well as to any community member who was confused by my error. I'm hoping that the kinks will all be worked out soon and the new media platforms (newsletter, blog, etc) will operate more smoothly going forward.

Roswell Landings Homeowners' Association Blog

WELCOME to the new Roswell Landings Homeowner's Association Blog!

This blog will be used to keep all homeowners up-to-date on the happenings of our community.  On this site, we will post general communication, newsletters, minutes from board and community meetings, as well as any other notices as necessary.

The board has created a new general email address to better facilitate communication with the community.  If you have any questions or concerns, please email the board at:  Your email will be addressed at the board's earliest opportunity. This e-mail address will be checked often.

We look forward to updating this blog regularly, and hope you will come back often to see all the news and updates within our wonderful community.